ASKBILL is web-based software, developed by University of New England (UNE) with funding provided by the former Cooperative research centre for sheep industry innovation, that complements a farmer’s grazing knowledge with detailed data about their livestock, pastures, and genetics, and predicts opportunities and threats to their individual business from the weather, pests or disease – the critical information needed for making more precise farming decisions, protecting the well being of their flock and maximising its productivity.

What does it do?

ASKBILL makes timely and accurate predictions of sheep well-being and productivity using weather, stock and pasture information.

By entering farm and production data and monitoring the risk alerts, ASKBILL also allows producers and industry to validate the standards of care their animals have received.


ASKBILL is available in two variants.

Commercial use of ASKBILL

Farmers can access the application as a tool from the AG360 site to assist their management of their enterprise. This access in provided on a subscription basis but offers a 21 day free trial.

Educational use of ASKBILL

Academics and students can access ASKBILL for training/educational purposes. This version is supported by AWET, and for students it is available free of charge for 12 months.