PROD-600 Benchmarking
Wool Production focuses on the characteristics of Merino wool which influence its value, such as fleece weight, average fibre diameter, staple strength, staple length, colour, vegetable matter and style. The impact of genetics, nutrition, environment, physiology and management on these wool characteristics is examined. The interactions between these factors is explored in a range of environments, providing a systems approach to wool production in each and an understanding of the constraints to wool production at a national level, thus allowing the identification and evaluation of options available to the commercial woolgrower for improving productivity and the value of their clip.
Genetic benchmarking and best practice benchmarking are addressed in this theme.

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PROD-600-050 Genetic Benchmarking
Modules in this topic introduce the concept of genetic benchmarking and the two best practice benchmarks: bloodline performance and sire performance
PROD-600-050-050 Genetic benchmarking for commercial Merino breeders
This module introduces the concept of genetic benchmarking and the two best practice benchmarks: bloodline performance and sire performance. It also looks at the various tools required by woolgrowers and stud breeders for genetic benchmarking: a formally-defined breeding objective, performance records, wether trials, bloodline performance, on-farm trials, comparative analysis groups, central test sire evaluation and across-stud evaluation.
PROD-600-050-100 Benchmarking bloodline performance
This module looks at the various strategies employed in benchmarking bloodline performance. It provides a number of case studies which demonstrate how these strategies work in practice.
PROD-600-050-150 Benchmarking sire performance
This module examines the various strategies available for benchmarking the performance of individual sires, mainly central test sire evaluation and across-flock evaluation schemes such as Merino Benchmark. It provides a number of case studies to demonstrate how these strategies can be implemented practically.