METR-700 Latest Developments in Wool Metrology
The subject of Wool Metrology covers all aspects of wool measurement or metrology and its effect on the marketing of Australian wool. It introduces the concept of objective measurement and explains in detail the procedures and measurements involved to objectively specify the Australian clip. The value of measurement to the industry is outlined. This subject is closely linked to the subjects Wool Technology and Wool Marketing and should supplement many topics introduced in the Wool Production subject.
The most recent developments in raw wool metrology are outlined. Some developments in colour measurement are examined, and within the topic “The Measurement of Style Characteristics”, the concept of objective style measurement is introduced, along with the instrument involved in the measurement of objective style and the ramifications of wool style on processing prediction.
METR-700-100 Developments in Colour Measurements
This topic looks at developments in the measurement of scoured wool colour.
METR-700-100-100 Developments in colour measurement
This module looks at some of the developments in the measurement of scoured wool colour that have occurred in the industry.
METR-700-200 The Measurement of Style Characteristics
This topic covers various aspects of style measurement. The measurement is introduced and the components of objective style outlined. The CSIRO developed style machine is described and the possible effects of style characteristics on processing performance are examined.

Editors Note:

CSIRO built 3 prototype instruments for measuring style. The principles are described in this topic. The instruments were evaluated jointly by CSIRO and AWTA Ltd, to determine whether or not there would be significant between instrument variability. A final report (Click here to open the report) on these trials was presented to IWTO in 2001. For 6 of the 10 traits measured there was no significant difference. For the other 4 one of the machines was divergent, possibly due to lighting differences. There were also significant level dependencies for 9 of the 10 traits. The report concluded that significant work would be required to increase the robustness of the instruments as well as to eliminate the differences. It further concluded that the financial viabilty of the style instruments would be dependent on the testing charges applied. A financial evaluation by AWTA Ltd concluded that the capital cost and the licencing model being proposed by CSIRO rendered the measurement financially unviable. Consequently the instruments were never commercialised.

METR-700-200-100 Introduction to Style
To understand the concept of objective style measurement and the characteristics which contribute to the components of objective style it is necessary to be aware of what style is and how it is appraised now. This module discusses the visual subjective assessment of style characteristics. The material contained in this module is largely drawn from the CSIRO Division of Wool Technology’s seminar Woolspec ‘94. Copies of the proceedings are available from the CSIRO Textile & Fibre Technology, formerly Division of Wool Technology. Thanks to Dr Kerry Hansford for compiling much of this material in a form suitable for this module.
METR-700-200-200 Components of Objective Style
This module discusses the staple characteristics measured to determine the objective style of wool and examines some of the objective style results from the CSIRO style instrument. The material contained in this module is largely drawn from the CSIRO Division of Wool Technology’s seminar Woolspec 94. Copies of the proceedings are available from the CSIRO Textile & Fibre Technology, formerly Division of Wool Technology. Thanks to Dr Kerry Hansford for compiling much of this material in a form suitable for this module.
METR-700-200-300 Style Instrumentation
This module explains the instrumentation and metrology used to measure Style objectively. The material is largely drawn from the CSIRO Division of Wool Technology’s seminar Woolspec 94. Copies of the proceedings are available from CSIRO Textile & Fibre Technology, formerly Division of Wool Technology.
METR-700-200-400 Style effects in Processing
This module considers the ramifications of wool style in terms of its effects on processing performance, particularly topmaking. The material is largely drawn from the CSIRO Division of Wool Technology’s seminar Woolspec 94. Copies of the proceedings are available from CSIRO Textile & Fibre Technology, formerly Division of Wool Technology.